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2024 Catalyst Projects

See Innovation Come To Life

At the heart of innovation at DTW24 - Ignite, our 50+ Catalyst projects will debut their groundbreaking innovations live in the Quad and on the Innovation Arena stage.

Harnessing the collaborative global force of over 1000 industry minds from 250 organizations, our Catalyst project teams are pioneering solutions to propel industry innovation and growth through Open APIs, ODA, AI, and automation.

Experience first-hand their inventive and trailblazing demonstrations. Delve into the challenges tackled, use cases explored, and solutions forged. Connect with these visionaries to discover how you can leverage their achievements to align with your business objectives and advance future outcomes.

Catalyst Champions Include:

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GenAI empowers computing force network

GenAI empowers computing force network

In an era where AI is increasingly integral to various processes and services, the demand for computing power is on the rise – efficient allocation of these resources is therefore crucial. To streamline the use of computing power and network resources, it's essential to align customers' original intentions with the capabilities and services of the computing network. This Catalyst aims to provide an intent-based computing resource service supported by generative AI (genAI) and automation: through intelligent detection of resource requirements, it will allocate computing resources accordingly, ensuring optimal efficiency and user satisfaction. To accomplish this goal, the project will employ service orchestration technology to streamline complex network business processes. It will then be possible to engage with business stakeholders such as customer managers using (genAI) - either through speech or text - in conjunction with large language models (LLMs), and then intelligently align identified intentions with the appropriate services. This system operates as an AI assistant, employing closed-loop verification to allocate computing resources based on customer needs. This will help customer managers recommend the necessary resources for complex network computing services with ease. Through multiple rounds of dialogue, recommendation, and negotiation, the system will obtain comprehensive input from customers and executes subsequent processes automatically. It can then adapt to the personalized business needs of customers, lower the usage threshold for computing power and networks, and foster the emergence of new businesses. Throughout the entire process, the intelligent assistant will function as an experienced business and network expert, matching solutions to customer needs. This will simplifiy the tasks of customer managers and maintenance workers, handling order acceptance and manual provision and configuration work at each stage. Ultimately, the Catalyst aims to streamline computing resource allocation management, automate customer interaction, service model matching, process execution, and end-to-end delivery. This Catalyst will provide the industry with an innovative new business model allowing customers to express their needs verbally or textually, bypassing the need to navigate fixed products on operator portals.

URN: C24.0.705
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LOKI - LLM O&M Knowledge Integrator

LOKI - LLM O&M Knowledge Integrator

Hi there, welcome to LOKI - LLM O&M Knowledge Integrator ! We will be showcasing at Catalyst booth C20! CSPs have traditionally relied heavily on the knowledge and expertise of engineers to solve network issues – as a result, multiple rounds of human interactions may be required to tackle a problem. This manual approach can however no longer cope with CSPs’ increasingly complex operations and maintenance (O&M) requirements. This Catalyst aims to harness data patterns and best practice to build large language models (LLMs) enabled Copilots and AI Agents across the “Monitor and Handle Anomaly” value stream. The project team will focus on developing LLMs to address several specific use cases, such as summarizing work order information, demarcating network faults with the support of digital twins, and recommending next best actions for O&M tasks. Other priority applications will be identifying the root causes of network faults and issues and generating operational reports based on intent. In each case, the objective is to enable engineers to simply ‘ask’ an AI agent, underpinned by an LLM, to complete necessary tasks. Besides the scenario-based innovation with LLMs, the project team also agree that organization, culture and talent challenges need to properly addressed in order to adopt LLM at scale. The overarching goal of the Catalyst is to help CSPs greatly simplify their O&M processes and tasking handling, thereby improving the customer & employee experience and realizing operational excellence. This project will also deliver sustainability impact in terms of decent workplace, inclusion & diversity, reduced carbon emission, etc.

URN: C24.0.628
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Wholesale fiber broadband standardization

Wholesale fiber broadband standardization

Adoption of standardized, context-specific processes, APIs and data models can make it easier to achieve interoperability between CSPs. These tools can lower the cost of integration for multiple wholesalers and reduce the complexity for new market entrants by having a readily available service they can adopt. While employing TM Forum standards, the project team intends to develop tools that are flexible enough to allow for innovation and differentiation. The goal is to achieve around 80-90% commonality so that companies can have a common set of integration and orchestration services for multiple partners, but still have scope for vendor customization. Current challenges * High integration costs due to different implementation of standards by companies * Slow deployment and time-to-market for integrating with different access providers * Different lifecycles and status updates make it hard to deliver a consistent customer experience Goals * Create a global standard for the wholesale broadband access market, based on latest TMF versions, but allow for local differences * To lower integration costs and reduce complexity for working with different partners * To help improve customer experience for both service providers and end users Better for both access and service providers * Reduce the “integration tax” cost of implementing the same product with different vendors * Improvements to milestones and jeopardy history to create common processes between vendors * Jeopardy clearly indicates who is required to take action and by when to help avoid delay * Improvements to the Geographic Address Management API (TMF673 ) and Geographic Site Management API (TMF674) to help achieve better success for installation and repair visits * Can be modified for local market regulation and requirements What is the catalyst working on? * Use the TMF v5 extensions to create context specific content but remain compliant to the standards * A common product model and product catalogue for wholesale broadband, which still allows vendor specific features * Contributed new API updates to geographic location APIs to better model sites and features * Proposals to extend Trouble Ticket Management API (TMF621) to use milestone and jeopardy features from product order to allow better management of fault resolution Want to know more? * IG1351 whitepaper details the business problem and solution intent * How the context specialization is used to create the product model * Use case map showing the component flow and communications built for the catalyst * Key challenges, considerations and regulatory constraints * The whitepaper can be found on the catalyst resources tab Also, there is also a masterclass session on Thursday 20th at 9:30 where a panel will discuss the work to create a wholesale broadband standard.

URN: C24.0.619
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GenAI for AN

GenAI for AN

As CSPs begin to deploy cloud-native systems and other advanced technologies, their networks are becoming more complex, putting operation and maintenance (O&M) personnel under pressure. In the radio network, for example, configuring base station parameters can now be a lengthy procedure making it difficult for CSPs to keep pace with rapid changes in the network environment, which can quickly result in deteriorating end user experiences. This Catalyst is looking to use generative artificial intelligence (genAI) to address these challenges in a number of ways, while applying zero-trust and zero-risk principles in the network management resource layer. For example, the project is developing a series of digital assistant and digital expert solutions to ensure high stability in the core network and greatly improve routine O&M efficiency. For the radio network, the Catalyst is developing an assurance system which will use data compression technology to quickly identify network status changes and accumulate core data. This mechanism will be supplemented by a decision-making system, based on deep reinforcement learning and large AI models, which will be able to rapidly optimize the network to meet multiple objectives and perform closed-loop management. The Catalyst will also employ machine learning to automatically expand parameter ranges and optimization objectives, while absorbing expert optimization experience to improve the model’s performance. For the bearer network, the Catalyst will employ natural language processing technology to automatically identify customer intentions, select APIs and set parameters. The proposed solution will be able to query fault-related information through a mobile application running on end users’ cellphones, greatly reducing the time it takes to obtain fault information and the mean time to repair. The Catalyst team plans to measure the project’s feasibility and effectiveness by tracking the work order automation rate, the work order processing duration, the fault handling duration and other indicators. The goal is to automate 80% of service fault diagnoses, while enabling real-time responses to fault information queries, leading to a 60% improvement in O&M efficiency. Challenges * High Expenditures Due to Manual Processes: * Manual processes on business and operational levels, such as planning and optimizing networks, lead to high costs. * Use of Various Platforms and Tools: * The current approach involves using multiple platforms and tools for network optimization, which are often less accurate and slow. * Inefficient Data Processing and Analysis: * The existing data processing and analysis methods are inefficient, leading to high expenditures and slower decision-making. Operational and Commercial Impacts * Failure to Achieve Target EBITDA: * Not achieving the target EBITDA increase of 30%, impacting financial performance. * Inadequate Improvement in Customer Experience: * Less improvement in customer experience due to suboptimal network performance and slower response times. ##The Solution ## Core Capabilities of GenAI for Autonomous Networks (AN): 1. Intent/Experience: * Understanding Telecom Know-how: GenAI leverages deep domain knowledge to understand telecom-specific needs and operations. * Conversational O&M: Utilizing conversational AI for operations and maintenance, enhancing user interaction and reducing manual intervention. 2. Awareness/Analysis: * Multi-modal Perception: GenAI integrates various data sources to perceive network conditions accurately. * Complex Network Issue Analysis: Advanced analytics capabilities to identify and diagnose complex network issues. 3. Decision/Execution: * Unified Performance Prediction: Predicting network performance under various conditions to pre-emptively address potential issues. * Precise Network Simulation and Decision-making: Running simulations to test different scenarios and making precise decisions based on data-driven insights. Autonomous Network Levels and Effectiveness: * Level 1 (L1) to Level 5 (L5): * Progression from manual operation (L1) to high autonomous networks (L5), with increasing effectiveness through automation and autonomy. * GenAI and AI+ enhancements significantly improve network effectiveness, marking a value leap at Level 4 (L4). GenAI's Role in Enabling Intelligent Functions: 1. Intelligent Decision-Making: * Collaborators: China Mobile, ZTE, Huawei, Whale Cloud * GenAI supports intelligent decision-making by analyzing data and providing actionable insights, enabling informed and timely decisions. 2. Intelligent Analysis: * Collaborators: China Mobile, Telkomsel, Huawei, Sand Technologies * GenAI enhances data analysis capabilities, enabling deeper insights into network performance and customer behavior, leading to more effective optimization strategies. 3. Intelligent Intents: * Collaborators: China Mobile, MTN, AsiaInfo, Huawei * GenAI facilitates the understanding and execution of network intents, aligning operations with strategic goals and improving overall network management. Value Leap at L4: * Enhanced Effectiveness: * The integration of GenAI drives a significant leap in network effectiveness at Level 4, bridging the gap between basic automation and full autonomy. * This leap is characterized by more accurate predictions, efficient resource allocation, and improved network performance. * Strategic Impact: * Achieving Level 4 autonomy translates into strategic advantages, such as reduced operational costs, increased service reliability, and enhanced customer satisfaction. * By automating complex processes and enabling real-time decision-making, Telkomsel and other collaborators can achieve substantial improvements in operational efficiency and financial performance. These insights underline the transformative potential of GenAI in enhancing network operations, driving strategic planning, and optimizing site performance, ultimately leading to improved financial outcomes and customer experiences. ##Collaboration## #Diverse Champion Business Use Cases List# 1. Telkomsel with Sand Technologies Telkomsel and Sand Technologies Collaboration for Enhanced Strategic Planning and Site Optimization Telkomsel, Indonesia’s leading telecommunications provider, has embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with Sand Technologies to revolutionize its strategic planning and site optimization processes. This partnership aims to leverage the advanced capabilities of generative AI and large language models (LLMs) to develop intelligent analysis solutions, driving significant improvements in operational efficiency and financial performance. At the core of this collaboration is the deployment of an innovative solution designed to address the complex challenges of strategic planning and site optimization in the telecommunication sector. By integrating Telkomsel's extensive network data with Sand Technologies' cutting-edge AI algorithms, the joint solution aims to provide actionable insights and predictive analytics that are critical for informed decision-making. Key Aspects of the Solution: * Intelligent Analysis: Utilizing generative AI and LLMs, the solution offers a sophisticated analysis of network performance, user behavior, and market trends. This enables Telkomsel to predict future demand accurately and optimize site deployments accordingly. * Strategic Planning: The AI-driven insights facilitate strategic planning by identifying optimal locations for new sites and necessary upgrades for existing infrastructure. This ensures that Telkomsel can meet the growing demand for high-speed connectivity while maintaining cost efficiency. * Site Optimization: The solution continuously monitors network performance and customer usage patterns, providing real-time recommendations for site enhancements. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and enhances user experience.

URN: M24.0.676
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Responsible AI

Responsible AI

Introduction AI has the potential to generate immense value across the telecommunications industry. From customer care to network operations, the possibility to generate new insights, new revenue and deliver efficiencies should not be underestimated. However, AI also comes with a number of risks which telecommunications leaders, technology teams and customers are becoming increasingly aware of. Our ambition is to bring together a diverse team of contributors from multiple Telecommunications and Technology organizations in order to define an approach to Responsible AI which highlights the potential benefits to the Telco industry, whilst also highlighting the key risks associated with traditional and generative AI. From here we look at how specific AI use cases align with key Governance, Risk and Compliance frameworks. By assessing input from each of the participating organizations, we have developed a consistent approach to AI Governance which covers three critical areas: 1: Risk management 2: Pre production design and evaluation 3: Post production monitoring This approach then leads into an overview of the key considerations, processes and technical approaches / tools required in order to identify, manage and mitigate AI risks. The key outcomes we aim to prove are as follows: * A view of the business opportunities presented by AI. * An understanding of the potential AI related risks faced by the Telecommunications industry. * A framework and approach to understanding and mitigating against these risks. * A view of the technical advancements which enable organizations to address these risks at scale and where possible in an automated manner. * A view of the business benefits associated with the adoption of an AI Governance function across the organisation. The "Responsible AI Moonshot Catalyst" underscores the imperative of investing in responsible AI governance for CSPs, emphasizing that neglecting this aspect could lead to detrimental consequences. By showcasing the risks associated with inadequate governance, the initiative aims to drive home the message that responsible AI practices are essential for mitigating risks and maximizing revenue and efficiency gains, projecting a potential 30% EBIDTA improvement for CSPs globally.

URN: M24.0.698
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Data-to-NPS: Boosting NPS using Decision Intelligence

Data-to-NPS: Boosting NPS using Decision Intelligence

> Background According to GSMA intelligence, the global unique mobile subscribers’ penetration rate has reached 69% in 2023 and is expected to reach 73% by 2030, with a CAGR of only 1.7%. This number will be even smaller in developed areas or dense urban areas. Almost all the CSPs are facing increasing competition, making managing existing customers the key to further business growth, and NPS is the key metric because: According to Analysys Mason, detractors are much more likely to churn than neutrals and promoters; and according to TMF report, decreasing the churn rate by 5% increases profitability by 25%~95%. So we consider NPS management will be a long-standing topic to drive sustainable growth in the next decade. > Challenge However, there are some long-standing issues that make it difficult to improve NPS if you only use survey results: (1) It is difficult to find root cause of NPS problems and then solve them, you can only see a general trend, but cannot perform closed-loop management. (2) Since it is impossible to quantify the impact of various management measures on the improvement of NPS results, it is difficult to make decisions on investing in NPS-related projects or platforms, which restricts the healthy development of this field. Accordingly we consider to address the challenge through survey and data collaboration manner. > Solution We developed an data-driven NPS management solution “Data-to-NPS”, set up a bridge between data and NPS, make data aware NPS. We design the solution based on the Engaging, Using, and Evaluating of the customer journey in the telecom industry, and NPS management is divided into three parts: product, network and service. The TMF DT4DI methodology is also used to analyze and solve NPS problems in a data- and AI-driven manner. > Team Collaborations - Special Collaborations on DTW24: (1) During DTW2024, several activities are arranged for the catalyst project promotion, and all team are well collaborated and assigned: (1.1) Day 1 15:00~16:30: Session (Telkomsel CTO): Revolutionizing NPS: Unveiling the Potential of AI and Digital Twin Technologies (1.2) Day 1 12:30~14:00: Lunch Briefing: DT4DI 2.0 (Globe VP): Practice sharing. Attendance from TMF and DT4DI Management are confirmed, all team members are having time to communicate and promote our project to them (1.3) A short video for Data-to-NPS solution is prepared and will be displayed on Session, Huawei booth and Catalyst booth - TMF DT4DI/MAMA Project Collaborations (1) Teams are actively connected with TMF DT4DI/MAMA project, 10+ topics applied by more than 5 parties, 4 use cases contributed, 1 Value Stream Contributed. - Other Routine Team Collaborations: (1) Executive management of Champions and Participants are all attach great importance on NPS, totally 100+ experts/managers/executives are involved (2) All team actively engaged in the routine catalyst team meeting and provided useful ideas and suggestions, and team lead and co-lead drive direction (3) Champions responsible for clarifying challenges, sharing operation experience and making solution verification, while Participants responsible for solution development and optimization (4) Together team review the award submission and final presentation. > TM Forum Assets Usage and Contribution: 20+ TMF assets used to design the solution, 5 TMF assets contributed, to share real practice and give a strong reference for industry. > Proof of Concept: Our solution has been verified by Champions, and the IT system has been developed and applied live, and already generating value now, such as Network NPS improve 3.5% and Revenue uplift 1.2% in Telkomsel. We also integrated the system interface and partially desensitized data into the live demo for on-site demonstration. > Industry Value As the demographic dividend gradually disappears, the retention and value management of existing users have become a problem that telcos must face for sustainable growth. And as user growth slows, the issue will attach increasingly attention. The Data-to-NPS management solution is exactly what the industry needs at present and in the future. It combines with the traditional survey method and adopts the data-driven mode, greatly enhancing the proactivity and certainty of NPS management. It has been verified in Champions and ready for large-scale deployment globally. > Sustainable Innovation - Social impact: (1) Better technical and financial inclusion requires breakthrough in new fundamental theories and methodologies, to address the challenge that user behavior will be affected by the surrounding users, resulting in unproper decision-makings.(2) Long-term investment in the fundamental theoretical and methodologies: UEP (User Evolutionary Process) and LUM (Large User Model). These fundamental theories & methodologies are contributed to IG1307 DT4DI Whitepaper 2.0 - Business growth: As the demographic dividend gradually disappears, the retention and value management of existing users have become a problem that telcos must face for sustainable growth.

URN: C24.0.652
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AI-driven EBITDA mastery: Revolutionizing customer journeys

AI-driven EBITDA mastery: Revolutionizing customer journeys

CSPs continue to search for mechanisms to improve EBITDA in the face of high competition and formidable network investment requirements. Generative AI is transforming the revenue management lifecycle, and this catalyst partnership provides an opportunity to turn our top operational challenges into avenues of profitability (EBITDA Growth) and operational efficiency. Our goal is to collaborate with the catalyst team to validate the costliest aspects of the customer and service journey and to apply a designed Generative AI solution that drives operational efficiency and secures a notable lead in both EBITDA growth and market competition. We will address and select use cases that span three key target categories: customer experience, service operations, and product development. Utilizing Generative AI and Intent Analysis to remodel revenue management and enrich conversational commerce, our goal is to create hyper-personalized natural language customer journeys that integrate sales and service engagements, improving both revenue and service assurance whilst dramatically reducing the cost-to-serve. We aim to apply proactive intelligence for early customer engagement to reframe and automate the customer experience to new levels. This will allow organizations to: * Engage proactively with customers and stakeholders directly through natural language to reduce otherwise costly service engagement. * Tailor acquisition and upsell strategies to individual contexts to maximize customer profitability. * Optimize packages, pricing, and offers based on customer context in real-time. * Drive sales with intelligence and customer intent rather than relying solely on post-sale profitability analysis. * Ensure revenue assurance operates in parallel with customer engagement to enhance customer value. * Refine retention management strategies to align with customer lifetime value and move away from generic and potentially unprofitable policies Resources README FIRST! Here, you'll discover videos and resources showcasing the AI architecture designed in this catalyst, along with its use cases and business value. 1. Executive Introduction - Provides a high-level introduction to the catalyst 2. Business Track - Provides Business Intro, Business Value Analysis, and CurateFX Business Information 3. Technical Track - Provides Solution Intro, Use Case Demos, and CurateFX Tech Information 4. Vendor Products - Provides information on the vendor products behind the solution

URN: M24.0.708
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GenAI genie redefines CX

GenAI genie redefines CX

CSPs’ customer support and service centers can at times become overwhelmed – meaning they can overlook important aspects of customer interactions, such as the individual’s service history and previous incidents. Generative artificial intelligence (genAI) could help CSPs address this challenge and ultimately transform telecoms customer service by correlating full customer history records with actual network events and real-time interactions. To that end, this Catalyst will use genAI to develop an interactive interface that can fully understand the customer intent and sentiment and can resolve issues automatically. It will create a domain-specific genAI system by linking CSPs’ proprietary models with public large language models (while meeting privacy and legal obligations) and then refine that system over time. When the customer makes an enquiry through chat or voice, the proposed solution would use speech, text and/or video to deliver hyper-personalized conversations to help customers fix problems. These could include Wi-Fi coverage holes, subscription issues, billing questions, plan changes (including automatic discounts) and upselling relevant products. The aim is to develop a system that can progress through a sequence of correlation, scoring, insight and action in just 8 milliseconds. As better customer service will create enthusiasm and stickiness for a CSP’s brand, the solution should improve CSPs’ net promoter scores (NPS), ultimately increasing customer lifetime value. At the same time, CSPs will be able to reduce costs, allowing employees to focus on more value added and complex interactions: those that need empathy and a human touch. The project team will measure the success of the solution by tracking the impact on CSPs’ revenue, profitability and operational efficiency. It plans to provide a full business value calculator that will predict the return on investment (ROI) of a deployed production version of the solution. The goal is to exceed the 641% ROI (over a three year period) achieved in phase one of the catalyst, which employed hyper-personalization to improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn and increase customer lifetime value.

URN: M24.0.634
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CABOOM! Converged access B2B2C over ODA marketplace – Phase III

CABOOM! Converged access B2B2C over ODA marketplace – Phase III

Visit CABOOM at Kiosk C25 in Catalyst Zone 1 Over the next 3 years, CSPs are projected to invest a massive US$342 billion in network infrastructure to keep pace with surging consumer & enterprise needs, according to Deloitte. But with CSP connectivity revenues to modestly increase by 4% during this time, how can operators recoup their substantial expenditures? For CSPs to avoid becoming a commodity pipe to hyperscalers, how do operators build a competitive edge, create new enterprise business and provide a flawless customer experience? Previously, engagements between CSPs and hyperscalers have been custom 1-off very time-consuming projects, with complex application development and multiple integrations spanning numerous networks and systems. It’s time for a new approach to address these challenges. At DTW 2024, we will demonstrate how CSP’s can seamlessly offer Connectivity as a Service (CaaS) using our catalyst we've coined as “CABOOM”, which stands for “Converged Access B2B2C Over ODA Marketplace”. This year’s catalyst puts into action OSS APIs from CAMARA, of the GSMA Open Gateway initiative, and the TM Forum. We are very excited to illustrate use cases such as how CSPs can provide Quality on Demand to any 5G consumer or enterprise within sport stadiums, entertainment venues and beyond. We’ll also reframe our use case for scenarios such as the Paris Olympic summer games and even Formula 1 racing, for a spectator to “virtually” get into the driver's seat. By CSP’s embracing “CABOOM”, complexity is removed from the integration between marketplaces and connectivity, creating new operator monetization opportunities to capitalize on the exploding global CaaS market. To help CSPs succeed in this market, this phase III of the Converged Access for ODA, will seek to assure reliable connectivity across different technologies. The previous phases of the Catalyst addressed business continuity across multiple network technologies. Phase II, for example, made big strides in demonstrating a converged OSS to support fiber and FWA (fixed wireless access) connectivity for SMBs (small to medium businesses). The Catalyst will draw on the TM Forum’s existing assets related to the ODA (open digital architecture), convergence, intent, artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous networks, together with the work of CAMARA - an open source project for developers to access enhanced network capabilities. In particular, it will explore how CAMARA APIs can be integrated with the ODA to support both mobile and non-mobile use cases. What sets CABOOM apart from other projects, is our automated approach to simplifying operations, all while delivering intent. CABOOM has implemented additional business logic beyond CAMARA with TMF APIs, to protect the network and ensure superior performance. A bonus is CSPs can avoid introducing further complex components like NEF, SCEF and more. CABOOM Catalyst team submitted to three award categories in 2024: Business Impact, Beyond Telco and Tech for Good. Ready to go CABOOM and evolve your business? Then let's meet at DTW: visit us at Kiosk C25 in Catalyst Zone 1.

URN: C24.0.624
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Autonomous networks hyperloops - Phase V - virtual command center as a service

Autonomous networks hyperloops - Phase V - virtual command center as a service

CONTEXT When an emergency or disaster puts lives at risk, resilient communications channels are among humanity’s most critical assets. Telecommunications networks can be used to coordinate rescue and relief efforts, and provide a lifeline to those affected - but natural disasters can also cause major disruption to telecoms infrastructure. MISSION This Catalyst, now in its fifth phase, is developing a disaster-handling virtual command center (VCC) - a virtual environment that increases operational efficiency and situational awareness and enhances decision-making for emergency services. It combines AI with autonomous networks (AN) and digital twins (DT) in a single interface to provide a comprehensive real-time view of operations, assets, and infrastructure. The VCC can be used to monitor and manage critical infrastructure and resources such as power grids, transportation, networks, and healthcare facilities, from a central location. Real-time situational awareness and mass alerting capabilities integrated into the VCC will also play a crucial role in ensuring timely responses and minimizing the impact of emergencies on communities. As part of its overarching mission as a tech for good initiative, the development of this disaster-handling virtual command center (VCC) not only enhances operational efficiency and decision-making but also contributes to societal resilience. PROJECT EXECUTION Where the previous phases of this Catalyst developed the reference architecture to combine AN, DT, and AI, the development of a VCC will showcase a reference implementation of this architecture. To develop the VCC, the Catalyst will integrate real-time data from multiple sources, and implement predictive analytics and decision intelligence based on AI. The VCC will also employ adaptive and resilient networks, intent-based automation, and virtual simulation and planning, with the help of digital twins. Once the project is completed, the VCC should enable emergency management teams to access critical data at any time, regardless of their location. It will also provide a 360-degree view of unfolding situations and the remaining assets, and help managers gather real-time data to inform the allocation of emergency services in the field. The effectiveness of the Catalyst’s VCC will be measured by key performance indicators related to the operational efficiency of the emergency services, such as activation time, response time, communication effectiveness, resource allocation, predictive analysis, and consistency of response. Its successes can be introduced by the wider emergency services sector and the benefits felt by citizens across the globe. As VCCs become established and AI systems become capable of supporting predictive analysis, emergency services won’t need to start from scratch every time an incident occurs. Over time, the VCC will enable standardization of emergency response procedures, leading to efficient, well-executed responses, and saving numerous lives in the process.

URN: C24.0.651
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