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Hesham Fahmy



As Chief Information Officer (CIO) at TELUS, Hesham Fahmy leads the team responsible for spearheading TELUS’ transformation to a fully-digital, software-centric and cloud-enabled technology leader. An agent of transformation and an innovator with seven granted patents, Hesham has extensive consumer, digital and cloud technology development expertise.
Hesham is a motivational leader with a passion for building highly productive teams and growing professional careers. His own passion for social capitalism aligns with TELUS’ leadership in leveraging its world-leading technology and compassion to drive social change and enable meaningful outcomes for its customers, communities and team members.
With a Bachelor of Computer Engineering from McMaster University and a Master of Software Engineering from the University of Toronto, Hesham has innovated software products and solutions for 25 years, with a track record of launching disruptive products and platforms in retail, IoT, fintech and development tooling. In 2023, Hesham was recognized as “CIO of the Year” by IT World Canada.


Featured Sessions

04:00 PM


18 June 2024


04:00 PM-05:30 PM


Stage B

circleComposable IT: The Superpower​
traingleCloud native
traingleMulti-cloud management
How Do Open APIs and Reusable Platform Capabilities Fuel Transformation and Innovation?

Open APIs and reusable platform capabilities play a critical role in driving digital transformation and fostering innovation within IT. Through discussions on service orchestration, assurance, and the strategies for building a next-gen composable business, attendees will explore how composable IT and Open APIs advance agility, operational efficiency, and revenue growth in the digital era.
