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Natali Delić


Chief Strategy and Chief Digital Officer
Telekom Srbija

Born in the town of Bor in 1975. Graduated from the Telecommunications Department of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in 2000 and obtained a job with the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade that same year. Joined Telekom Srbija in 2002 where she worked at the Information Technologies Department of Mobilne telefonije Srbije.

In 2008, she transferred to the Commercial Division of Telekom Srbija and until 2013 she held the position of the Head of the Department for the Development of Services and Residential Customer Services. During that period, she completed her MBA studies at Texas A&M – commerce University.

In May 2013, she joined the Vip mobile company operating within Telekom Austria Group and held the position of the director in charge of information technologies and basic telecommunications services.

In July 2015 within the A1 Telekom Austria Group in the Serbian and Slovene markets, she assumed the position of the chief technical and information officer. In the course of 2019, apart from the CTIO, she also assumed the position of the senior officer in charge of transformation for Vip mobile and A1 Slovenija.

As the chairperson of the Managing Board of the Data Science Serbia organization in the period between August 2019 and the end of 2020 she played an active part in the strengthening of data science and application of artificial intelligence in Serbia, developing partnerships with business companies and institutions interested in furthering Serbia’s economic power and aiding the digitalization of society through this sphere.

In the course of 2020, she was an independent consultant and advisor for new technologies, business strategy and digital transformation focusing on the influence of the new technologies such as 5G, internet of things and artificial intelligence on business operations and the society as a whole.

She continued to pursue her professional mission in 2021 as part of Telekom Srbija where she returns after having worked in the private sector for eight years.

Natali obtained three master’s degrees: Master of Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, Master of Management from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Texas A&M-commerce University in the US. Besides, she received certificates of completion of the following courses from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategies and Internet of Things: Business Implications and Opportunities, as well as the Agile and Scrum Master certificate of the Agile Humans organization.
