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Ian Turkington


VP Architecture & APIs
TM Forum

Ian Turkington is Vice President of Architecture and APIs at the TM Forum where he is responsible for the Cloud Native IT & Networks theme. Ian also leads the collaboration work with TM Forum members focused on developing the Open Digital Architecture and Open API standards.

Formerly head of the Enterprise Architecture Centre of Excellence at BT, he worked toward developing the operator’s enterprise architecture capability. In prior roles at BT, he was chair of the Technology Strategy Board which provided a forum for managing directors and CTIOs to improve awareness of new technologies, including NFV, SDN, blockchain and big data.

He has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Queen’s University of Belfast where he lives with wife.


Featured Sessions

11:30 AM


18 June 2024


11:30 AM-01:00 PM


Stage B

circleComposable IT: The Superpower​
traingleIT & process automation
traingleIT transformation
Boosting Performance, Profitability and Innovation through IT Transformation

IT transformation is pivotal in enhancing performance, profitability, and innovation. This session zeroes in on creating seamless operational environments through network and IT integration, modernizing BSS/OSS for emerging business models and services, implementing AI and automation for operational excellence, and cultivating a continuous innovation culture.


02:00 PM


18 June 2024


02:00 PM-03:30 PM


Stage B


04:00 PM


18 June 2024


04:00 PM-05:30 PM


Stage B

circleComposable IT: The Superpower​
traingleCloud native
traingleMulti-cloud management
How Do Open APIs and Reusable Platform Capabilities Fuel Transformation and Innovation?

Open APIs and reusable platform capabilities play a critical role in driving digital transformation and fostering innovation within IT. Through discussions on service orchestration, assurance, and the strategies for building a next-gen composable business, attendees will explore how composable IT and Open APIs advance agility, operational efficiency, and revenue growth in the digital era.
